Regulations on the Partner Country of the International Exhibition-Fair “Eurasia EXPO: Art Crafts-2019

These Regulations on the status of the "Partner Country" International Exhibition "Eurasia EXPO: Art Crafts-2019" (hereinafter - the Exhibition) approved the decision The Organizing Committee of the Exhibition of 05.11.2018 and determines the special status of the Partner Country within carrying out the exhibition.

I. General provisions

The status of the Partner Country is granted to one of the countries of the Eurasian continent, which sells together with the Organizer and the Exhibition Organizer a separate format of his participation (hereinafter - participation format) in the Exhibition and its business program;

1.1. The status of the Partner Country is of an exclusive nature and is granted to only one of countries of Eurasia.

II. Participation format Partner countries Exhibitions

2.1. The format of participation of the Partner countries of the Exhibition includes:

2.1.1 rental companies of the Country of the Partner 100 - 150 sq.m. exhibition space;

2.1.2. participation in the opening ceremony of the Exhibition of Representatives of the Partner’s Country;

2.1.3. active participation in the organization and conduct of business and cultural programs Events Exhibitions.

III. Preferences Partner Countries Exhibitions

3.1. Financial preferences:

3.1.1. 10% discount on the rental of exhibition space from the base rates;

3.1.2. 10% discount on advertising in the Exhibition catalog.

3.2. Non-financial preferences:

3.2.1. Location Exposure Country - Partner Exhibitions in the central part of the total Expositions of the Exhibition;

3.2.2. Participation of the representative / s of the Country - Partner of the Exhibition as a speaker / them during International Conference;

3.2.3. Participation of representatives of the delegation of the Country Partner of the Exhibition in other events business (seminars, round tables, etc.) and cultural (workshops, performances of folk collectives, etc.);

3.2.4. Placement of information about the Partner Country of the Exhibition in a special section of the Exhibition Partner Country;

3.2.5. Placement of the logo of the Partner’s Country of the Exhibition on all information and advertising materials of the Exhibition.

IV. Interaction order

4.1. In case of consent to accept the status of the Partner Country, the Authorized The representative of the Partner Country (Office, Embassy) sends an official letter to Organizing Committee of the Exhibition on the decision;

4.2. For the organization of practical work on the participation of the Partner Country in the Exhibition An official is appointed who will be authorized to interact with Organizing Committee of the Exhibition on practical work.

V. Final provisions

5.1. This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its approval by the Exhibition Organizing Committee, and namely from 05.11.2018;

5.2. These Regulations may be amended by the decision of the Organizing Committee and / or additions. The relevant decision comes into force from the date of its signing.

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